The engagement of secondary school students: CVC – CVL

School life councils are essential for establishing a climate of listening and trust in a school. School life councils encourage students to get involved in the life of their school.

« In order to become young citizens, pupils must learn the principles of democratic life and acquire civic skills through the teaching provided and through participation in representative bodies and/or in the life of associations in schools and institutions ». 

Engagement of secondary school students: What is the CVC?

The decree 2016-1631 of 29 November 2016 establishes a CVC in all secondary schools (collèges).

Discussions aimed at improving the functioning of the school and the living conditions of the pupils are organised there.  It includes:

  • the headmaster,
  • student representatives,
  • 1 representative of the teaching staff,
  • at least 1 representative of the school staff,
  • at least one parent representative.

The headmaster chairs the CVC.

The school board determines by a deliberation the number and the position in the school of the members of the CVC.

The school board shall decide on the operating rules of the CVC.

The CVC adopts its rules of procedure.

CVC meetings are held regularly enough to maintain a working dynamic and to allow the realisation of the projects carried out by the students’ representatives.

The headmaster informs the members of the CVC of the follow-up given to their proposals.

The CVC’s proposals may be presented to the school’s board.

Framework: NOR: MENE1635377C – Circulaire n° 2016-190 du 7-12-2016
Vie collégienne | Ministère de l’Education Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports

Engagement of high school students: What is CVL?

The CVL, a body chaired by the headmaster, is made up of 10 members (boys and girls) and their substitutes. Half its members are replaced every year.

The members of the CVL are:

  • 10 lycée students elected for two years by all the students in the school, half of whom are replaced each year
  • 5 teachers or educational staff (CPE, supervisors)
  • 3 administrative, social and health, technical, labour and service staff (ATOSS)
  • 2 representatives of the parents

Vice-president of the CVL: Each year, the vice-president of the CVL is elected, for one year, from among the candidates for the election of student representatives to the school council.

The vice-president presents the opinions, proposals and minutes of the CVL meeting to the school council. They are then included in the agenda and may be posted. He/she also acts as vice-chairman of the CVL, alongside the headmaster.

Le Conseil des délégués pour la vie lycéenne | Ministère de l’Education Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports
The official texts governing high school life:
Les textes officiels de la vie lycéenne | Ministère de l’Education Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports